''A volunteer based center connecting community members with opportunities"
Group Activites
Do you have an idea for a group that could meet weekly, fortnightly or monthly? We'd love to have your group join us!
We are always open to new groups utilising our facilities. Please contact Group Facilitators for more information

Phillip Island & San Remo Boomerang Bags
Boomerang Bags is a global, grassroots movement connecting & empowering local communities to tackle plastic pollution at its source.
Create re-useable 'Boomerang Bags' using local second-hand materials to replace plastic bags. The Bags are then either provided for free or for a small donation at local supermarkets, markets and shops.
Mondays/ Wednesdays contact Marita 0425804137

Island Rainbow Collective
Connect with other like-minded adults identifying within the LGBTIQA+ community, their supporters, and allies for friendship and conversation. A safe space for our rainbow community.
Day: Fortnightly Wednesday during term time
Time: 7pm - 8:30pm
Contact: Linda 0431 693 313

Personalised Tech Support
Individualised tech support for both men and women with any type of tech-related question. From computers to mobile phones, software, virtual connections, websites, email, photo editing and more! Bookings required.
Day: Wednesdays
Time: 11am - 3pm
Cost: $10 per half hour; $20 per hour
Contact : Call Ajanta on 0430 104 447 to book a time

Woolshed Spinners
Woolshed Spinners meet on the 2nd and 4th week of each month except January.
Bring along your spinning wheel or any fibre related craft. The group works on their own projects, sharing ideas and helping newbies. All welcome.
Day: 2nd & 4th Thursday of the month
Time: 10am - 2pm
Cost: $3 per session
Contact: Robyn 0429 700 492

Embroidery/Craft Group
This group provides an opportunity to get together to learn or improve your embroidery skills through sharing ideas, experience and knowledge.
Whether you're an experienced embroiderer or absolute beginner, everyone is welcome.
Day: 3rd Friday of each month
Time: 10am - 12pm
Cost: $3 per session
Contact: Josie 0409 955 109

ASPI Life Drawing
In the presence of a live nude model develop your observational drawing skills in form, volume and perceptual awareness. Great for beginners to advanced. Facilitated by the Artists Society of Phillip Island (ASPI).
Day: First Monday of each month
Time: 9.30-12.30
Cost: $20 for ASPI members, $25 non-members plus $3/head room hire
Contact: Jenny 0438 150 005 or Jacki 0405 721 303