''A volunteer based center connecting community members with opportunities"
PICAL membership is open to everyone. Membership fee is $10 per calendar year. Being a volunteer does not automatically mean that you are a member.
Your membership supports our
connection to the community by raising our profile and giving us a stronger voice.
As a member of PICAL you are eligible to attend and vote at the annual general meeting in April. We offer up to 50% discount for all Learn Local courses. We also provide members an early bird notification of the quarterly term Course Guide.
You must be a member if you wish to join the Committee of Management, and to have a say in the center's future direction and operation. Membership is subject to approval by the Committee of Management.
Membership is from 01/01/2024 to 31/12/2024. If you join at a period through the year your membership will still end on 31/12/2024